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 Mushrooms and Fungi

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I wouldn't eat any mushroom unless I was a Bone-fide expert because nearly
80 Percent of all Mushrooms are Poisonous.

This Mushroom Starts Killing You Before You Even Realize It | Deep Look

Amanita phalloides
death cap mushroom are often mistaken for coccora or paddy straws mushrooms. 


Puffball Mushroom 




Fungi Information Websites


  Wild Mushroom Foraging




Foraging For Mushrooms in Danbury Connecticut



  Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world



Environmental Education               Environmental News


Mycoattractants and mycopesticides US 7122176 B2

Varroa Mites Reproduce in Capped Brood Cells

Lichenology is the branch of mycology that studies the lichens, symbiotic organisms made up of an intimate symbiotic association of a microscopic alga (or a cyanbacterium) with a filamentous fungus

Mycology is the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, including their genetic and biochemical properties, their taxonomy and their use to humans as a source for tinder, medicine, food, and entheogens, as well as their dangers, such as poisoning or infection. A biologist specializing in mycology is called a mycologist.

Basidiomycota is one of two large phyla that, together with the Ascomycota, constitute the subkingdom Dikarya (often referred to as the "higher fungi") within the kingdom Fungi

Basidiomycota is one of two large phyla that, together with the Ascomycota, constitute the subkingdom Dikarya (often referred to as the "higher fungi") within the kingdom Fungi

Ascomycota is a division or phylum of the kingdom Fungi that, together with the Basidiomycota, form the subkingdom Dikarya. Its members are commonly known as the sac fungi or ascomycetes.


Fungiculture (wiki)  cultivation of mushrooms and other fungi 

Starting from a culture. Than grown in a petri dish, than a jar, before being moved to a bag of sawdust and brewers grain. then finish growing on a combination of pulverized wood chips and brewers grain for Shiitake Mushrooms.
Bags of pulverized wood chips and grain, will go into the cooker, where they will be
heated with steam to be sterilized and ready to grow mushrooms.

Soil Steam Sterilization     Farming Knowledge




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